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Sony Alpha NEX-7 News

Sony Alpha NEX-5N on sale, NEX-7 available for pre-order

Sony Alpha NEX-5N on sale, NEX-7 available for pre-order Created by MG1 on Sep 07, 2011

Our network of eagle-eyed tipsters have given us the heads-up that Sony's $700 NEX-5N is ready to buy online, and curious camera fans can check out last month's hands-on before deciding to part ways with that much cheddar. The company is also taking pre-orders for the monstrous NEX-7, which costs $1,350 -- slightly more than we'd expected. This camera has a 24.3-megapixel sensor, can shoot AVCHD video and stills up to 10 fps and can probably see the turn of the universe, or something. This one will make its way to homesteads in November, giving you just enough time to learn how to record everyone's disappointed faces -- come Christmas morning -- in eye watering detail. »read more

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