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Canon TS-E 24mm f/3.5 L specs

Canon TS-E 24mm f/3.5 L
We are currently working on upgrading our specs, but here are some short details.

Angle of view (horizontal, vertical, diagonal) - 74 degrees, 53 degrees, 84 degrees

Lens construction - 16/11

No of diaphragm blades - 8

Minimum aperture - 22

Closes focusing distance (m) - 0.21

Maximum magnification (x) - 0.34

Distance information - Yes

Filter diameter (mm) - 82

Max diameter x lenght (mm) - 88.5 x 106.9

Weight - 780g

Magnification - Extension tube EF12 II - 0.85 - 0.51

Magnification - Extension tube EF25 II - 1.47 - 1.12

Lens hood - EW-88B

Soft case - LP1319

G.F. HOlder III (hood III) - NC

G.F. Holder IV (hood IV) - NC

If you are interested in using our specs commercially, check out our Camera Lenses specs database licensing page.

Filed in: Canon Camera Lenses

Description: The TS-E 24 mm f/3.5L II has been refined to deliver superb image quality to the edge of the image. Independent rotation of the tilt and shift mechanisms allows maximum creative freedom.

Created by MG3 , Last update by MG2 , Jun 08, 2010


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