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Apple iPhone 4 News

Apple iPhone 4 allegedly catches on fire while charging overnight

Apple iPhone 4 allegedly catches on fire while charging overnight Created by MG1 on Mar 22, 2012

In an incident which has never happened before in the States, a Colorado woman who wishes to remain anonymous is claiming that her Apple iPhone 4 caught fire while she was charging the phone overnight. She comes forward in an attempt to pressure Apple into to publicizing the issue so that owners of the model can be warned that the phone can be combustible.
The incident occurred on a recent trip east and the victim said she awoke in the early morning to find her year-old white Apple iPhone 4 making "sizzling" and "popping" noises. After an "immense crackling" which she described as being "not quite an explosion," she said a putrid smell filled the air while clouds of smoke came from the phone... »read more

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