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Apple iPhone 4 News

Apple iPhone 4S users consume twice as much data as the iPhone 4

Apple iPhone 4S users consume twice as much data as the iPhone 4 Created by MG1 on Jan 06, 2012

According to a study done by a company known as Arieso, users of the Apple iPhone 4S consume twice as much data as the Apple iPhone 4 which is more than likely the case thanks to the data hog known as Siri.
In addition to doubling up the data usage by the iPhone 4, the iPhone 4S is also surpassing data used by the Apple iPad. Arieso says that the spike in data usage is due to the increasing use of online based services such as the previously mentioned Siri. For the sake of comparison iPhone 4 users consumed 1.6x the amount of data as the iPhone 3G. »read more

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