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Mordaunt-Short Aviano 1 Pro Reviews‘s review Edit

It’s quite a deep cabinet, discouraging the idea of putting them on a bookshelf. No, a proper speaker stand is where these boxes belong, the better to show off their extensive suite of abilities. Play something as turbulent as TV on the Radio’s Dirty Whirl and it’s hard to know where to start with the compliments.
10.0 Rated at:


Home Theater‘s review Edit

The Mordaunt-Short Aviano is a beautifully engineered product, and the literature mentions several aspects of its build quality. However, it’s not necessarily its parts or aesthetics that make it special. Another manufacturer could have taken the same materials and come up with a much lower-performing product. These speakers distinguish themselves from the pack in that someone with a good ear must have developed them.
9.0 Rated at:

Published on:
Apr, 2010

The average pro reviews rating is 9.5 / 10, based on the 2 reviews.

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