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Microsoft Windows Phone 7 News

Android is immune to viruses, Windows Phone is not, says Orange customer support

Android is immune to viruses, Windows Phone is not, says Orange customer support Created by MG15 on Dec 20, 2011

Okay, Windows Phone handsets may not be perfect when it comes to malware and exploits, but they are definitely safer than their Android counterparts, don't you think? Well, we now know of at least one person in the world who would disagree with that statement, and the disturbing part is that their job expects them to be much more knowledgeable on the matter.

What you see below is an excerpt from a conversation between an Orange service representative and a subscriber. In a nutshell, the unsuspecting user is being misled into believing that Windows Phone devices are prone to getting viruses, while Android smartphones are more or less immune to such problems. »read more

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