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Microsoft Windows Phone 7 News

Custom HTC WP7 ROM’s Iminent?

Custom HTC WP7 ROM’s Iminent? Created by MG1 on Aug 01, 2011

Windows Phone Hacker have just reported that the Dark Forces Team (DFT) have successfully created an RSPL / HSPL solution for a majority of HTC’s Windows Phones. This of course comes our way via XDA-Developers. If you are unfamiliar, HSPL is the bootloader that allows for custom ROM’s to be loaded onto phones. Chefs on XDA-Developers have done an amazing job releasing custom Windows Mobile 6.x ROM’s for the past few years. In fact, this was normally the only way you could get WM6.5 on your device, because software updates were very inconsistent between phone manufacturers.
With Microsoft’s new update approach for all devices, will HSPL be necessary for Windows Phone 7? There are a couple... »read more

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