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JVC Everio GZ-MS100 Pro Reviews

Digital Trends‘s review Edit

So this boils down to a decent, lightweight standard-def 35x zoom camcorder with software that makes uploading to YouTube relatively simple. There are many other less expensive gadgets that let you post to YouTube but quality is pretty weak. At least with the JVC Everio S GZ-MS100 you’re getting a camcorder rather than a glorified disposable camera. Since this baby is brand new (as of June 2008) the price hasn’t dipped below $349 USD. If you want a pretty cool gadget and the world to share your pratfalls, by all means go for it!
7.0 Rated at:

Published on:
Jun 16, 2008

Camcorderinfo‘s review Edit

The JVC Everio GZ-MS100 is a decent entry-level camcorder, but the two flashiest and most compelling features - the YouTube compatibility and the "Laser Touch" operation - are the very elements that weaken it. The YouTube upload process is not as simple, elegant, or effective as the Pure Digltal Flip Ultra or other Flips. It requires installing the software ahead of time (barring on-the-go uploading) and offers PC-only support.
n/a Not rated

Published on:
May 27, 2008

The average pro reviews rating is 7.0 / 10, based on the 2 reviews.

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