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Lenovo Skylight specs

We are currently working on upgrading our specs, but here are some short details.

Skylight is a sleek, stylish 10" mobile HD device with a web-optimized interface that lets you enjoy the web and rich media everywhere you go.
Since Skylight is equipped with a Qualcomm Snapdragon™ ARM processor, 20GB storage on device with 2GB online, it's exactly what you need to enjoy the web on the go.
Skylight is under 2 lbs., as thin as a smartphone and available in head-turning glossy lotus blue and earth red.
Simply recharge your Skylight overnight like a cell phone for up to 10 hours battery life. It also has the same always-on feature so there’s no waiting to boot up or shut down.
Skylight has a custom web interface made of live web gadgets. Visit Gmail, Facebook, YouTube or browse the web without continually logging and remembering passwords. With more than 18 preloaded web gadgets like Amazon MP3 and Roxio CinemaNow, you can download music and movies.
Unlike netbooks, you can stretch your fingers out on a large keyboard. And unlike a smartphone, it has full Internet browser so you can surf the web without limits.

If you are interested in using our specs commercially, check out our Notebooks specs database licensing page.

Filed in: Lenovo Notebooks

Description: Skylight is the digital solution for mobile users demanding a no-compromise, full web and media experience in a light, compact device.

Created by MG3 , Last update by MG3 , Feb 08, 2010


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