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Intel creates new business unit focused on mobile, Apple VP to lead it

Intel creates new business unit focused on mobile, Apple VP to lead it Created by MG1 on Dec 15, 2011

Believe it or not, between 2002 and 2006 Intel made processors for mobile phones that used ARM’s architecture. The division responsible for all that amazing work was known as XScale. Intel sold XScale to Marvell during the summer of 2006, one year before Apple released the iPhone and redefined what a mobile phone was capable of. I bet Intel’s kicking themselves in the ass over that. Anyway, since then Intel has been trying to get someone, anyone, to build a smartphone that uses their x86 chips. In layman’s terms: they want a company like HTC or Samsung to build a mobile phone that uses the same kind of processor that’s inside a laptop computer. Intel has obviously failed to convince anyone t... »read more

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Filed in: AppleIntel

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