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There's a web browser hiding inside the iriver Story HD, but it's pretty shy

There's a web browser hiding inside the iriver Story HD, but it's pretty shy Created by MG1 on Jul 19, 2011

Looking for a way to surf the web on your new iriver Story HD? The Digital Reader's got you covered, with a nifty, albeit not totally satisfying hack. As it turns out, the Story HD's much-ballyhooed Google eBookstore operates as a mobile version, rather than an app, meaning you can use it to access other pages -- if you know the trick. All you have to do is navigate to the first Help page within the eBookstore, where you'll see a list of links running across the top. The Books link leads to, from which you can jump to, effectively putting the internet at your fingertips. The major downside, however, is that iriver's hidden browser won't give you an address bar, th... »read more

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