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Microsoft to pay AT&T reps $200 million in the U.S. to recommend Windows Phone models

Microsoft to pay AT&T reps $200 million in the U.S. to recommend Windows Phone models Created by MG1 on Jan 27, 2012

If you can't beat 'em, pay someone off to beat 'em. That seems to be what Microsoft has in mind in order to raise Windows Phone sales in the U.S. The plan is to pay AT&T staff $10 to $15 for each Windows Phone handset sold as a direct result of a recommendation to a customer. Obviously, Microsoft believes that its mobile OS cannot compete on its merits alone at this stage in the game.

Looking at a chart of global OS marketshare, you can see that Android has been in a major uptrend through the third quarter of last year. Symbian's trend resembles RIM's stock price and iOS has been steady. The graph, based on data from Gartner, shows that Windows Phone had only 2.7% of the market by the end o... »read more

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Filed in: MicrosoftAT&T

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