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Verizon tells the FCC it still needs AWS spectrum for LTE

Verizon tells the FCC it still needs AWS spectrum for LTE Created by MG1 on Jun 08, 2012

Verizon is making a case to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in hopes of getting the FCC to approve Verizon’s purchasing of 20-30 MHz-worth of AWS spectrum to build out its LTE network. In a statement to the FCC, Verizon stated that refarming its PCS spectrum would not give it the capacity it needs to handle the growth of traffic on its LTE network. Verizon does plan to refarm the PCS spectrum to LTE anyway, but sees this as a bolstering of, and not a supplement for its plans for the AWS spectrum.
Verizon goes on to suggest that unless the FCC gives them the rubber stamp of approval on the AWS spectrum purchase, they will face network constraints in some areas as early as next yea... »read more

More at: IntoMobile Add additional source

Filed in: Verizon Wireless

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