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Google Wallet hacks to work on Verizon Galaxy Nexus

Google Wallet hacks to work on Verizon Galaxy Nexus Created by MG1 on Dec 19, 2011

Well this didn’t take long. Google Wallet is now unofficially available for the Verizon Galaxy Nexus. This is truly ironic considering all of the bad turmoil that has been going on for the past few days, which allegedly has Big Red blocking the payment service. Thanks to the hard-working Android community people are able to get their hands on the Wallet service, but only if you’re willing to root your phone and follow a relatively simple guide.
What’s even cooler about this back door way into the Google Wallet app is you’re still able to get your hands on the complimentary $10 Google prepaid card once you sign up. If you’re the tinkering type who really wants to experience the pay and go wit... »read more

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Reply Level 4 1 sgrinavi on Dec 19, 2011

No need to root, you can side-load a hack and it works like a champ. I don't want to post the URL here, but if you do just a tiny bit of searching you'll find it :-) Enjoy

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