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Verizon and RedBox looking to partner to provide video service

Verizon and RedBox looking to partner to provide video service Created by MG1 on Dec 09, 2011

There has been some recent talk about Verizon attempting to create some sort of Netflix competitor. At first glance, this seems like a very ambitious undertaking for Big Red, but with new information surfacing about a potential partner, it seems like a smart move that has the potential to be very successful.
TechCrunch has obtained information that Verizon is in talks with RedBox to create this service as a joint venture between the two companies. The service is codenamed Project Zoetrope and is intended to include subscription, streaming, and downloading service for TV and movies. Project Zoetrope looks to deploy on a variety of Internet-enabled devices such as iOS, Android, Google TV, Xbox... »read more

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Filed in: Verizon Wireless

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