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Verizon CEO "thinks" shared data plans will come next year

Verizon CEO Created by MG1 on Dec 08, 2011

There has been talk of shared, or family, data plans coming to Verizon Wireless for months, but it has all been of the "sometime in the future" variety. Now, Verizon Communications CEO Lowell McAdam has offered a timeframe, albeit an extremely broad timeframe, for when we can expect to see the carrier implement shared data plans.
Speaking at a communications conference, McAdam stated "I think in 2012 we will see it," referring to the shared data plans. He continued, "We have been working on this for a couple of years. Getting to one bill and getting to account-level pricing is our goal." Unfortunately, he did not offer specifics as to how a shared data plan would work or how much it would co... »read more

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Filed in: Verizon Wireless

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