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Google Wallet to be blocked by Verizon on Samsung GALAXY Nexus?

Google Wallet to be blocked by Verizon on Samsung GALAXY Nexus? Created by MG1 on Dec 06, 2011

While many potential buyers of the Samsung GALAXY Nexus didn't give it a second thought, others figured that they would be buying a device that would probably work with Google Wallet. Like the only other smartphone that supports Google Wallet (the Google Nexus 4G), the GALAXY Nexus will have the necessary NFC chip embedded in the battery door. Unfortunately, Verizon will not allow the first Android 4.0 phone to access Google Wallet.
The reason for this is quite simple. Big Red is one of the companies involved with Google Wallet competitor ISIS, which also uses NFC technology. Others involved with ISIS include manufacturers HTC, LG, Motorola, Sony Ericsson, RIM and Samsung. Other carriers inv... »read more

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