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Leaked Verizon document hints at white Droid RAZR, leaves speculation to us

Leaked Verizon document hints at white Droid RAZR, leaves speculation to us Created by MG1 on Nov 29, 2011

Is there a white Droid RAZR looming on the horizon? According to the above screenshot, there is. Obtained by the folks over at Droid Life, this image purports to give a glimpse into Verizon's device management system, which apparently boasts a previously unmentioned white version of Motorola's ultra-thin handset. If it's legit, the RAZR would join the likes of the Droid 2 Global and R2D2 alongside the manufacturer's predominantly white offerings, though Motorola has yet to confirm its existence. Details, then, are still scarce, but we'll let you know as soon as we hear more about any alabaster arrivals. »read more

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