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Anti-jailbreak BlackBerry PlayBook patch cracked in one day

Anti-jailbreak BlackBerry PlayBook patch cracked in one day Created by MG1 on Dec 07, 2011

RIM's attempt to stomp out jailbreaking proved ineffective early Wednesday. Less than a day after posting a update to cover the security exploit used to open up the OS, a version 2.1 beta update for the DingleBerry root has come to get around the patch. Users have to install the crack before they apply the patch, but they just need to run a single command-line task to get root-level access.
The quick turnaround shows that RIM has some time to go before it claim to have mostly locked down security for the PlayBook. Although jailbreaks on iOS often come quickly, Apple's experience with patching the holes used by jailbreakers has meant that they usually take longer to find, especiall... »read more

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