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RIM to forge ahead with Flash on the BlackBerry PlayBook, even if it's dead

RIM to forge ahead with Flash on the BlackBerry PlayBook, even if it's dead Created by MG1 on Nov 11, 2011

Adobe may have killed off Flash for both TVs and mobile devices, but that isn't stopping RIM from continuing to support it on the PlayBook. In a statement provided to All Things D yesterday, the BlackBerry manufacturer confirmed that it's not giving up on the dream just yet, because it's one of the Flash Player source code licensees that Adobe will continue to support post mortem:
"As an Adobe source code licensee, we will continue to work on and release our own implementations. RIM remains committed to delivering an uncompromised Web browsing experience to our customers, including native support for Adobe Flash Player on our BlackBerry PlayBook tablet (similar to a desktop PC browser), as w... »read more

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