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New LG Optimus Pad photos leak, LTE on board

New LG Optimus Pad photos leak, LTE on board Created by MG1 on Dec 08, 2011

New pictures have surfaced of the alleged successor to LG's pricey G-Slate that confirm it will be an LTE device. Images of the new Optimus Pad first appeared around Thanksgiving, but its 4G status was unclear at the time; one of the new photos, published by Korean site Cetizen, clearly shows off an LTE startup screen. The tablet is reported to include a 1.5GHz Snapdragon processor, an 8.9-inch, 1280 x 768 TFT screen, and 1GB of storage (a microSD slot is also included). Featuring both a 1.3-megapixel front-facing camera and an 8-megapixel rear-facing shooter, the tablet will be running Android 3.2.1 Honeycomb at launch — though an upgrade to Ice Cream Sandwich should be forthcoming. Of cour... »read more

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Filed in: TabletsLGG-Slate

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