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HTC One X AT&T News

AT&T HTC One X bootloader unlocked via command line trickery

AT&T HTC One X bootloader unlocked via command line trickery Created by MG3 on May 28, 2012

When HTC confirmed to us that it wouldn't be offering an official bootloader unlock solution for the AT&T version of the One X, we assumed that the Android hacking community would step in and find a solution. Twenty days later, that solution is here via a process detailed by grankin01 at xda-developers. The process involves using the command line and a hex editor to trick HTC's tools into believing that the AT&T One X is a Canadian version, thereby allowing the bootloader to be unlocked. Be forewarned that as of right now there isn't a simple script for this process, but instead a twelve-step program during which a typo could brick your device. It probably won't be too long until a simpler a... »read more

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