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ASUS Eee Pad Transformer Prime TF201 News

Retailer Pulls Asus Transformer Prime

Retailer  Pulls Asus Transformer Prime Created by MG15 on Feb 03, 2012

love, the first retailer to start selling the Transformer Prime in the UK, has just announced that it decided to pull the Asus quad-core tablet from its offer, due to availability problems and an outstanding number of technical issues.The retailer made its decision public in a post on its official blog: “Stock supply has been a real issue and good levels of stock are not expected until late February/March.“However we have been able to obtain some stock sooner than expected; but because of complaints of faults with the model we took the decision to thoroughly test stock before fulfilling any orders. “We are at this time not satisfied that all units we could provide you with are working correc... »read more

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