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Corsair Vengeance K60 News

Corsair ships Vengeance gaming mice and keyboards, procrastinating shoppers rejoice

Corsair ships Vengeance gaming mice and keyboards, procrastinating shoppers rejoice Created by MG1 on Dec 16, 2011

Remember that Vengeance line of gaming products that Corsair outed a few months back? We'll forgive you if not, and we'll also take this opportunity to refresh your memory while affirming that the company is shipping the bulk of 'em out just in time for the holidays. The Vengeance K60 and Vengeance K90 gaming keyboards and the Vengeance M60 and Vengeance M90 laser gaming mice and all clad in aluminum, with the K Series aimed at first-person shooter loyalists and the Ms aimed at those who just generally want to be awesome. You can catch up on the nitty-gritty just after the break, but here's the bad news: the K90, K60, M90 and M60 will go for $129, $109, $79 and $69 in order of mention. »read more

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