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Samsung Epic 4G Touch News

Best Buy Employee Flips Epic 4G Customer the Bird

Best Buy Employee Flips Epic 4G Customer the Bird Created by MG1 on Sep 22, 2011

A member of the Android Central forum uploaded a picture of a Best Buy employee waving his middle finger, which came pre-loaded on his newly purchased Samsung Epic 4G Touch (Galaxy S II) smartphone. After discovering the surprise extra, he sought out a store manager who dismissed the situation, saying it's not uncommon for Best Buy employees to open new merchandise and play with the hardware before boxing them back up and selling as new.
"Yeah I have to admit the camera quality is petty nice, lol. But yeah I spoke to their manager and he just made excuses, 'When we get in new devices the techs like to open them up and explore them a bit,' was his reasoning," Android Central forum member "rem... »read more

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