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HTC DROID Incredible 2 News

Droid Incredible 2 gets root, CM7 and MIUI show up to party

Droid Incredible 2 gets root, CM7 and MIUI show up to party Created by MG1 on Jul 11, 2011

Call it a case of bad-timing. When VZW's newest red-eyed family member -- the Droid Incredible 2 -- hit the market, it was too premature to benefit from HTC's recent unlocked bootloader policy. Rather than sit and wait for an official OEM retroactive solution to come, devs managed to crack the black beauty open and achieved some perm root and S-OFF goodness. With all that messy hacking business out of the way, the real ROM-flashing party's about to start courtesy of CyanogenMod7 and MIUI. If you're not familiar with the ins and outs of Android rooting, but think you're game to give this a try, DroidLife's got a wiki link to walk you through. As with any smartphone hack, the possibility to br... »read more

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