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Sony website uses augmented reality to test TVs in rooms

Sony website uses augmented reality to test TVs in rooms Created by MG15 on Aug 26, 2011

Sony UK is offering an online tool that helps perspective TV buyers visualize how a screen would look in their own house. The TV Size Guide is a web-based app that will create images of different size TVs superimposed over a rendering of a wall of their apartment or house. The would-be buyer can then compare different sizes and then get detailed information on the best fit.

Using the tool is straightforward. The user first downloads and prints out a "marker". The marker is then placed either on a wall or on top of a piece of furniture where the TV will go. The user then snaps a picture of the marker in position and uploads it to Sony's special site. The app then creates an image of a TV in ... »read more

More at: Electronista Add additional source

Filed in: TVsSony

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