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US judge denies Apple some bans, says Samsung is copying

US judge denies Apple some bans, says Samsung is copying Created by MG15 on Oct 14, 2011

Federal court Judge Lucy Koh on Thursday tentatively denied some of Apple's calls for a preliminary US ban on Samsung devices. She believed there wasn't enough of an urgent case to ban the hardware based on a "utility" patent but hadn't issued a definitive verdict on three design-related patents. Apple might have trouble proving the patents were violated, she said.

Koh also wasn't convinced Apple couldn't just recoup any lost damages at the trial itself.

In spite of the apparent relief, Koh made it clear she was likely to side with Apple in the long term. She believed Galaxy Tab models "do infringe" on patents relating to the iPad, even if Apple couldn't prove validity at this stage. In co... »read more

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