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Proof that Windows 8 may run Windows Phone apps

Proof that Windows 8 may run Windows Phone apps Created by MG1 on Jun 07, 2012

There have been rumors for a while that Windows Phone 8 apps would work all the way up to the Windows 8 desktop environment, but we haven't actually had any confirmation that this functionality would exist. We have known for a while that Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8 would share the same kernel, which meant that this functionality was always possible, but n ow, we have a bit of proof that apps will transcend devices.
Ever since the Windows 8 Preview Release was released last week, code monkeys have been digging through looking for any interesting tidbits that could be gleaned from the code, and one came across a Compatibility Switch line which is checking "IsAppEarlierThanWindowsPhone8". Thi... »read more

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