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Sony Ericsson lends hand to FreeXperia devs, shows love for CyanogenMod 7.1

Sony Ericsson lends hand to FreeXperia devs, shows love for CyanogenMod 7.1 Created by MG3 on Oct 03, 2011

Turns out, Sony Ericsson is really coming around to the understanding that Android phones are not a one-size-fits-all proposition. After taking notice of the FreeXperia team's tireless efforts to bring CyanogenMod 7.1 to certain SE devices, the company is now "pulling a Samsung" by lending its support to the cause. The firm has provided the group with approximately 20 phones, along with debugged and rebuilt camera library binaries to ensure a proper user experience. Not stopping there, Sony Ericsson hopes to make these bits available to all developers under a special EULA in the near future. Of course, the company continues to remind its users that it doesn't specifically condone unlocking t... »read more

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