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Microsoft wins injunction in Washington against Motorola, can keep selling stuff in Germany

Microsoft wins injunction in Washington against Motorola, can keep selling stuff in Germany Created by MG1 on Apr 12, 2012

Microsoft's been waging legal war against Motorola on several fronts for some time now, and today, team Redmond scored a victory in a federal district court in Washington that'll have repercussions in Germany. The judge granted Microsoft's motion for a temporary restraining order and preliminary injunction that prevents Motorola from enforcing any injunction it may obtain in the parties' parallel action in Mannheim, Germany. As a quick refresher, this litigation's all about a bundle of Moto-owned standards-essential WiFi and H.264 patents. Naturally, Motorola claims that Microsoft's infringing its IP, and has sought to stop sales of infringing products in Deutschland. Meanwhile, Microsoft co... »read more

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Filed in: MicrosoftMotorola

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