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Motorola PHOTON 4G owners, Motorola wants you

Motorola PHOTON 4G owners, Motorola wants you Created by MG1 on Jan 23, 2012

Motorola is looking for 1,000 owners of the Motorola PHOTON 4G to take part in a "soak test" of a software update. As we've pointed out before, this is how Motorola can test an update with a limited number of devices involved just in case there is a problem that requires more work on the software. Also, those testing the update give the manufacturer another set of eyes and ears that might be able to find a bug that somehow slipped past Motorola's own testing.
It would be great for Motorola PHOTON 4G users if this update had to do with Ice Cream Sandwich, but that seems unlikely at this point in time. If you are interested in using your PHOTON 4G as a Guinea Pig, you need to be a member of th... »read more

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