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Motorola wants to release fewer smartphones in the future

Motorola wants to release fewer smartphones in the future Created by MG15 on Jan 11, 2012

Motorola CEO Sanjay Jha revealed to reporters at CES 2012 today that the company wants to make fewer smartphones in the future so that it can better focus its marketing dollars. Jha also provided reasoning behind why Motorola (and presumably other manufacturers) insist on skinning their Android devices. Motorola's intention to release fewer devices in the future is almost laughable at first take, as this is the company that released the DROID BIONIC and DROID RAZR nearly on top of each other, and then just announced the new DROID RAZR MAXX this week. Jha rationalized the situation with the BIONIC, saying that unforeseen delays caused the device to launch much later than it should have. The p... »read more

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