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Motorola Questions & Answers

A pocket weapon

Posted by Sakushii on Feb 04, 2010

I really like the guts of this phone, but the thing is just way too big. When you hold the darn thing it feels like you could ward off a would be attacker while being car jacked. Very solid, very large. Anyone else agree?


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Reply Level 2 2 IndoSlim on Feb 04, 2010

I disagree. I don't own the phone but I've held it several times and it doesn't seem too big to me. Actually, I kind of like big phones. The bigger the better to me. As long as I can still fit it in my pocket (ipad is way too big to carry around) I'm good.

Reply Level 2 3 jdthematrix on Feb 04, 2010

I actually agree with Saku...

If you try to put anything on the phone to becomes a GIANT brick in your pocket... I would have gotten this phone as soon as I saw it had I not seen rumors of the Passion/Nexus/Whatever you want to call 1ghz better looking Android 2.1

Reply Level 2 4 funlovingguy1972 on Feb 05, 2010

A device that can do everything and pocketable. If a small netbook is not portable enough for you, buy DROID. It beats Windows Mobile devices as you can access websites with this gadget also. This will stay a top Google Android gadgets in upcoming years (only DROID 2 and its children can beat DROID) . DROID will beat larger display gadgets (4", 5", 7", 8") as size really does not matter, functionality does and DROID does. Use PICO projectors if size is an issue.

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