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Comcast Refuses to Help Copyright Holders Sue Its Subscribers

Comcast Refuses to Help Copyright Holders Sue Its Subscribers Created by MG1 on Jun 14, 2012

Copyright holders like the RIAA and MPAA think it's their god-given right to sue BitTorrent users into eternal poverty for illegal file sharing. Well Comcast has had enough. The company is refusing to comply with subpoenas for user data. That's right, Comcast is sticking up for the little guy.
In court documents (embedded below) the ISP says that the lawsuits over illegal file sharing have gotten out of hand and amount to court-ordered shakedowns of its customers. Indeed, as TorrentFreak points out, more than a quarter million people have been sued over file sharing in the last couple of years. The lawsuits are launched by copyright holders, but Comcast ends up aiding in the financial ruin o... »read more

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