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Google Android 4.0 News

First impressions of Chrome Beta for Android - Looks to be worth the wait

First impressions of Chrome Beta for Android - Looks to be worth the wait Created by MG1 on Feb 08, 2012

We’ve been tinkering around with the new Chrome Beta for a couple of hours now and we’re definitely impressed to see that Google has provided a slick browser that’s also easy on the eyes. Even in beta form, we can imagine that most people who try Chrome for Android will probably stick with it. We’re glad that Google realized that functionality can look good.
The introduction of Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich was the first time we saw Google really hone in on the user experience for its mobile operating system and it’s taken that focus to Chrome. The browser is snappy, simple, and rather beautiful, given that it’s just a portal for viewing web content. If you use Chrome on your desktop, the b... »read more

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