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GIGABYTE GA-X79-UD7 (rev. 1.0) News

Gigabyte Rolls Out Crucial BIOS Update For Overclockers With X79 Mobos

Gigabyte Rolls Out Crucial BIOS Update For Overclockers With X79 Mobos Created by MG1 on Dec 28, 2011

Pushing your PC to its limits has obvious inherent dangers; overclocking your CPU can definitely bust your rig if you push it too far. That being said, reasonable overclocking doesn’t actually carry too much risk – normally. Right before Christmas, one overclocker’s Gigabyte GA-X79-UD3 mobo crashed, then burned (literally) in the midst of a lightweight stress test. After he posted the video on YouTube (the fun stuff happens in the last 20 seconds), Gigabyte looked into the problem, and apparently, it wasn’t a case of crap luck. Yesterday, Gigabyte’s Chinese branch announced the faulty CPU VRM is a widespread issue and recalled the GA-X79-UD3, GA-X79-UD5, GA-X79-UD7 and G1.Assassin 2 mobos. U... »read more

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