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Samsung GALAXY Nexus News

Verizon Galaxy Nexus spotted at $199 in canceled promotion

Verizon Galaxy Nexus spotted at $199 in canceled promotion Created by MG1 on Nov 28, 2011

Verizon customers waiting for the Galaxy Nexus will be intrigued by the latest advertisement making the rounds. A Netshelter ad appearing at various blogs suggests the Galaxy Nexus will debut for a reasonable $199. This is $50 less than the launch prices of comparable 4G Android handsets on Verizon and a $100 less than the Nexus’ $299 price tag. This may be the case of an ad hitting the airwaves too soon, but it is likely an ad for a Black Friday deal that never materialized.
The ad contains a link with a November 29 date in the URL. The link will also bring you to Verizon’s holiday website. The page is filled with deals on other Android and 4G phones, but noticeably absent is the Galaxy Ne... »read more

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