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Microsoft Windows 8 News

Windows 8 Wireless Networking Secrets Revealed

Windows 8 Wireless Networking Secrets Revealed Created by MG1 on Feb 13, 2012

With a consumer preview on the horizon, Microsoft recently provided some details about the wireless networking features in Windows 8.
Redmond has re-engineered the wireless networking stack to optimize the experience in Windows 8, the company said in a recent blog post.
People want similar mobility on their PCs as they get on their smartphones," wrote Billy Anders, a group program manager on Microsoft's devices and networking team. "It is unlikely that your end goal is just to get connected to the Internet. Instead, connecting to the Internet is a step (or a hurdle) towards what you really want to do, like surf, socialize, or explore, and you would prefer that your PC is connected and ready ... »read more

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