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Microsoft Windows 8 News

Microsoft talks Windows 8 portrait mode, really wants you to be proud of it

Microsoft talks Windows 8 portrait mode, really wants you to be proud of it Created by MG15 on Oct 24, 2011

If Apple is that paranoid friend that has four deadbolts on his door and a loaded weapon in every room, then Microsoft is the over-sharer who tweets where, when and what he had for lunch -- including both before and after photos (and we're not talking about pictures of a clean plate). Redmond wants you to know about everything it does -- no accomplishment is too minor for a lengthy explanation of the what and why. Take for example, portrait mode. Windows 8 will have one. We know what you're thinking, "well I would frackin' hope so," but the devs want you to know this isn't just some feature they slapped in the OS knowing people would expect it. The team studied users both familiar with and n... »read more

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