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Microsoft Windows 8 News

Windows ARM support not an issue for Intel

Windows ARM support not an issue for Intel Created by MG1 on Sep 16, 2011

Intel CEO, Paul Otellini, remains bullish about the prospect of Microsoft supporting the ARM architecture in the upcoming release of Windows 8.
Down the coast in Anaheim Microsoft is hosting the Build Conference as Intel runs its IDF2011 conference here in San Francisco. There it was talking up its support for the ARM micro-architecture in the next version of the Windows OS.
Otellini though is unconcerned with the prospect of added competition in the Windows space.
"We've always had to have the best chip to run on Microsoft software," he said.
"When you have the best chip you win."
It's not just the architecture that's important though as there's a vast library of legacy applications out the... »read more

More at: TechRadar UK Add additional source

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