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Google Android News

Google Docs for Android updated with live edits, rich text, enhanced navigation

Google Docs for Android updated with live edits, rich text, enhanced navigation Created by MG1 on Feb 23, 2012

Google Docs for Android phones and tablets has just received a much-needed update. While the search giant sated many by launching a native app last year (and by adding offline access earlier this month), it was really just an enhanced version of the mobile web app. This update most notably introduces live updates to mobile, just like the fully-fledged web app for PCs. This means that if you are collaborating with a colleague on a report, you'll be able to see their edits as they make them. Another major improvement is that rich text has finally made its way to the app, so you can do the oh-so-simple but oh-so-needed things, like bolding, italicizing, and underlining text. Editing has also be... »read more

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