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HTC has the most up-to-date Android phones

HTC has the most up-to-date Android phones Created by MG1 on Sep 07, 2011

The Android Update Alliance (AUA) was set up back in May to unite phone makers under the umbrella of timely Android updates, but we haven’t heard a word about the idealistic venture since then.
And just a couple of days ago, we saw that Gingerbread is slowly replacing older versions of the platform, but Froyo is still the dominant flavor. So who can you trust for the fastest updates and the most up-to-date Android versions?
AndroidandMe has taken the time to compile a list of Android handsets with their respective versions from every phone maker from the AUA and has drawn some conclusions.
First of all, the list clearly shows that HTC updates its phones most often, while Samsung, LG and Mo... »read more

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