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Sony, Sharp and Fujitsu earnings all bring bad news, only Toshiba says something nice

Sony, Sharp and Fujitsu earnings all bring bad news, only Toshiba says something nice Created by MG1 on Jul 29, 2011

Plenty of Japanese earnings news today and, as with Nintendo, most of it's pretty dire. Sony's hit from the earthquake and PSN outtage has inevitably contaminated this quarter, but it's suffered from slow Bravia TV, PC and camcorder sales too. Together, these factors contributed a hefty ¥15.5 billion ($200 million) loss in the three months to the end of June, compared to a ¥25.7 billion profit for the same quarter last year.
Meanwhile, Fujitsu also lost ¥20.4 billion, which it largely attributed to a 6.7 percent decline in Japanese sales following the disaster. However, sales in other countries also fell 5.3 percent, reflecting a stronger yen and general lack of consumer demand.
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