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Microsoft to offer $15 Windows 8 upgrade, when you buy a Win7 PC

Microsoft to offer $15 Windows 8 upgrade, when you buy a Win7 PC Created by MG1 on May 15, 2012

In need of a new computer, but holding out because you don't want to be saddled with a last-gen OS when Windows 8 lands? Worry not potential consumers, Microsoft plans to offer a cheap upgrade path to its latest and greatest if you buy in now. Well, not now, but soon. Starting June 2nd Redmond will offer a $15 upgrade from Windows 7 to Windows 8 Pro. Mary Jo Foley first reported the deal last week, but wasn't able to put a price on the offer. Now, Paul Thurrott is filling in those blanks. For $14.99 any new PC purchaser will be insured against the coming Metro revolution. This is hardly a new tactic for Microsoft, which has used similar deals to try and stave off steep drops in computer sale... »read more

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