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Microsoft planning cross-platform music service to replace Zune

Microsoft planning cross-platform music service to replace Zune Created by MG3 on Apr 26, 2012

You didn’t think Microsoft was giving up on music after it killed the Zune, did you? Of course not. Microsoft doesn’t give up on anything. Apparently the folks up in Redmond are planning to unveil its latest crack at the music industry at E3 2012, which takes place in June.
Microsoft is preparing a cross-platform music service currently codenamed Woodstock. My guess is it will have something similar to the Zune Pass in which users can subscribe for a monthly fee to download music to their heart’s content. It will be available on all the major desktop and mobile platforms: Windows 8, Mac, iOS, Android and Windows Phone. Xbox will be thrown into that mix too for obvious reasons. Instead of app... »read more

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Filed in: Microsoft

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