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RIM finally finds someone crazy enough to buy it

RIM finally finds someone crazy enough to buy it Created by MG1 on Apr 06, 2012

Prepare yourself for perhaps the greatest single press release ever unleashed onto the tech industry. "Self-proclaimed" Dr. Nono C. Pearson, a country-style rap innovator who reputedly has "the copyrights to prove that he is the owner of what he calls 'Corporate Hip Hop,'" is approaching RIM with a proposal to buy out its "Black Berry" assets. This is to be done by an all-stock acquisition following the upcoming IPO of his not-yet-public company called United Vision Marketing Firm.
That's right, a dude with more chutzpah than sense or money has published a press release announcing his intent to take over the entire BlackBerry business. The thing is, while we may find this amusing now — and i... »read more

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Filed in: RIM BlackBerry

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