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RIM says all BlackBerry services have been restored

RIM says all BlackBerry services have been restored Created by MG1 on Oct 14, 2011

During another press call this morning to address the worldwide BlackBerry service outage, RIM co-CEO Mike Lazaridis announced that all BlackBerry services have been restored across the world, including internet, email, and BlackBerry Messenger. He reiterated the company's earlier statements that a hardware failure in Europe is what caused the outage, and that failure caused a backup in the system, creating service problems for users in other parts of the world. RIM pointed out that its services have had 99.97 percent uptime over the past 18 months, though that fact is probably not all that comforting to the users who have experienced outages for nearly four days. »read more

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Filed in: RIM BlackBerry

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