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BlackBerry Outage Continues, May Be Spreading

BlackBerry Outage Continues,  May Be Spreading Created by MG1 on Oct 13, 2011

RIM can’t seem to get back on its feet. Amidst falling sales, and shareholder discontent, the smartphone make is now dealing with a three-day long service outage that seems to be spreading, rather than abating. The outage started in the Middle East as well as parts of Europe and Asia, but now reports indicate that it may also be affecting some US and Canadian users.
Unlike other smartphone platforms, RIM manages the flow of data and service for all its devices through its own back end. This allows lowers speed connections to still result in acceptable levels of performance, but when the servers go offline, RIM is stuck with a lot of unhappy customers.
RIM has said that the outage was caused ... »read more

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Filed in: RIM BlackBerry

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