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BlackBerry Colt may be RIM's first QNX smartphone, will lack BES support out-of-box?

BlackBerry Colt may be RIM's first QNX smartphone, will lack BES support out-of-box? Created by MG1 on Aug 09, 2011

To many, a colt is a representation of rebirth and a symbol for youthfulness. Research in Motion appears to be in desperate need for exactly that -- a regeneration. It seems appropriate, then, that RIM may be launching the BlackBerry Colt, its first QNX-based "superphone," in the first quarter of 2012. This timeline will ensure the device launches at the expected time, according to rumors by BGR, but there's likely to be a few compromises to ensure it gets pushed out to market faster. The Colt is said to be undergoing internal testing with a single-core chip, contrary to promises of including dual-core CPUs. Additionally, the maiden voyage of the smartphone platform may be completely devoid ... »read more

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